Friday, February 04, 2011

FO Friday and TUSAL

Two for one posts.  This month my TUSAL jar has some floss in it.

One 8 oz skein of the BFL/silk fiber finished and wound into a skein.  I think I got about 600+ yards and when this is washed and thwacked, I have a strong feeling it will puff out to a dk weight.

This will be knit into a nice cable cardi. Have to look through my stitch pattern books.

If you haven't already, check out yesterday's Name My Birds contest. You have until Wednesday at 5pm Mountain time to enter.

For more fabulous FO's, you can go to Tami's page.  Thank you for all your well wishes. I'm starting to feel a bit better. Plus it's supposed to warm up to a balmy 65F tomorrow.


Tami Klockau said...

The yarn turned out beautiful! Can't wait until you start your project to see how it knits up.

Melissa said...

The yarn turned out beautifully!

Ziggyeor said...

Wow nice yarn!

nursenikkiknits said...

Gorgeous yarn. I can't wait to see what it is when it "grows up" : )

Affiknitty said...

I can't wait to see the project you make out of that lovely yarn. I'll be back to suggest some names. Have a great weekend!

lovestitch said...

Looking forward to seeing your project with that beautiful yarn!!! :) Nice weekend! x

Measi said...

Great progress on your TUSAL jar - and such lovely yarn!

Daffycat said...

An awesome TU update!

turtlegirl76 said...

Ok I can't remember what the heck TUSAL is. Is it just the yarn ends collected in the jar? Can't the birds use them to line their nest?