Did you ever have a moment where reality has seemed to shift? Am I awake, is this a dream or did someone just slip some hallucinogenic in my coffee? You know that part on medical shows, namely House, where the answer finally comes in? That's what happened during rounds this morning. Right while they were talking and deciding the plan for the day, his bronchoscope, the results of a test came up on someone's laptop.
It was another one of those moments where part of my brain shouted, "Oh pulease, this only happens on tee vee." My reality seemed to shift a bit and for a second or two I thought I could see string theory happening. (Sorry, I've been reading quite a bit of science fiction these days.) At least it wasn't like Saturday, when I shouting for everything to stop so I could argue with the writers of this episode. I do have a few bones to pick with them, though.
It's Hantavirus. The CDC is being called and will make their descent. It's caused by rodent droppings, most specifically the deer mouse. I immediately asked if it could be caused by our house bunnies. The Dr. said nope, not likely. Besides, I'm the one who does all the dirty work taking care of our (my) pets. They are specifically looking at his workplace since other people became ill around the same time. We'll see what the CDC finds out.
The Dr. said it looks like he should make a full recovery. How long that will take, no one knows. He's still in the acute and critical stage at this point. They only information they could find was it takes 2-3 weeks convalescence after he regains renal function. How long until he regains renal function, they don't know. There is still a slight chance things can go south again. I'm happy dancing with cautious apprehension.
They were able to turn down his blood pressure medicine quite a bit during the night. Had to go up just a little bit on his oxygen. The nitrous oxide is off. They are turning off his sedation after the scope to see how he does becoming conscious. I told them that I want to be there as he heads towards the surface.
Yesterday evening, they turned it down to 3 and he was fighting the ventilator, respirations up in the 30's every time the bed turned away from me. They are going to stop the motion of the bed after they turn off the sedation. So, I'm headed back up there in a little bit. I came home to get some lunch as they are doing things that I would have to be sitting in the waiting room for hours anyway. Then I'm going to read and read and read and read some more. As he becomes aware it's going to be my voice he hears sitting there reading until they make me go away or my voice wears out. Vocal chords must be like a muscle because it's not bothering me to read for hours on end like it did the first day or two.
If I miss a day of posting, just know it's because I'm sitting up there reading The Great Shark Hunt: Strange Tales from a Strange Time
Thank you all for your continued support, prayers, positive thoughts. It helps me to feel not as alone as I do sometimes. Also, it makes me feel if I come up missing someone's going to notice, somewhere. Carole, can I have a daily shipment of that high-test mojo? The rough road starts when he regains consciousness and I'm dealing with his impatience and frustration. It's ok, I'm tough cookie, I can take it. Some high-test mojo would help though.
Yeah! I'm so glad they found out what's wrong. Hopefully this will lend itself to a quicker recovery! I'm doing a tentative "Snoopy Happy Dance" for you!
awesome news!
This is such good news! He might not be out of danger yet but at least they know what they are up against!
It must feel good to have a solid diagnosis!
Continued prayers for his recovery and big hugs to you today.
excellent news! You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
At last you know what it is. What a relief. It must have been awful not knowing. So pleased your vocal muscles are shaping up. You could record audio books!
Oh yeah,mojo is being sent in a steady stream! Hanta virus!? And the kidney component sugests it's an asian continent variant too. In other words, weird. Well, hopefully now that they have a clue, things will be looking up.
Wow, Denise, so glad they finally diagnosed the problem! I'm sure now they'll have a better course of treatment! We've got you and D in our thoughts.
Hugs, Teresa
I think you are Superwoman. You read all day, you knit things that fit even when you have to do it at the hospital, you make quilts to go under cats. D's very lucky he's got Superwoman rooting for him. It seems odd to say, 'great news that it's hantavirus!' but, it is great news they know what it is! Happy dancing along with you. xoxox
(Jealous of the quilt, though. Sorry).
What a relief for you to finally have a diagnosis! Wishing you both all the best.
Thank Goodness he is going to recover! Plus, thanks for the information - I just spent 45 minutes reading up on HPS. Wow - scary! I'm glad he had the care of such wonderful doctors. :D
Glad to hear the puzzle is being figured out. Hoping and wishing for a speedy recovery for D and lots of strength for you!
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