Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy New Year

Hope you all have a happy and healthy New Year.  I've been pretty quiet this week as the weather has been cold and crappy for Tucson.  There are three things that will take me out of commission.  The first is a migraine headache, and I get cluster migraines since I was 14.  Thankfully, they are only once or twice a month and not several times a week.  The other is any kind of gastric upset.   Third is nerve pain, that is the worse or equal to a migraine.  I don't like to be a moaner, so I keep to myself.

Firstly, as of last night we have three little baby birds and one egg left.  The little peeps are getting louder and more frequent.  Huey the daddy bird hops around on the perches chirping loudly when he hears the peeps.  I imagine him saying, "Hey, settle down for your mother."  "Hush now"  Then he looks up-side down into the box, "Don't make me come in there."  Then he goes in and they settle down after a bit.

From Knitting Kitties

D had to work both New Year's Eve and day.  So, I thought to myself how can we have a good dinner.  He loves to cook the big fancy meals.  I came up with the idea let's have our big meal at midnight.  We could have snacks while we were waiting.  Thursday, despite pain and cold temps I braved the outdoors and proceeded to make a few trips on the bus to the store and back to haul everything that we needed.  Our tradition is to get the most expensive roast we can reasonably afford.  Fry's I got a rib roast for a dollar cheaper per pound than what was quoted on the phone.  I ran to the check out and bus stop before they could change their mind.

D called as he always does when he gets off the bus to see if we needed anything.  He said he would pick something up for dinner, but I told him it was already in the oven ready.  Yes, he usually is gone 12 hours a day and still comes home and makes dinner.  His voice really perked up when I said I had dinner waiting.  It was just shake and bake chicken with rice.  He also does any dishes on his days off.

He took tons of pictures of his masterpiece.   I'll spare you and only post a few.  That roast was $4.77 a pound!!!  As much as I miss Wegman's,  there is no way Danny would have given that great a deal.  I kind of wish he had today off and did his dishes.  Sometimes, I think he tries to see how many he can get dirty.

From Knitting Kitties

From Knitting Kitties

From Knitting Kitties

Today, I was feeling better.  I made homemade shrimp eggrolls.  Well, I had them already for him to fry up.  They were so good he had about five and I think I ate four.  Which is saying something.  I usually don't like to eat my own cooking.  Not that it's bad.  I'm just so sick of it when I finish I'm not in the mood anymore.  I like to spin other people's dye jobs too.

From Knitting Kitties
The leftovers, that we'll freeze for later.

Finally, on the way home tonight, D stopped in at Walgreens and found this for me for what he said was a ridiculously low price.

From Knitting Kitties

From Knitting Kitties

You're a really big guy.

From Knitting Kitties

Maybe you'll think about being my body guard? I will be your long lost pal.

No, 2010 recap here.  It's been a long strange year and I'm glad to see the backside of it.

I still haven't found a fix to get the comments showing on the mainpage.  Just click on the title and the comments will show at the bottom of this post.  Thanks for visiting me.