I thought of the title of today's post as I was going to bed last night, because the pets were being weird, well, weirder than usual. Then tonight as I sat down to upload pictures and started typing the first paragraph, the people right above me had their quarterly (I guess quarterly, as it's the third one since last February when we moved in) episode. The irony wasn't lost on me. I thought funny farm, this is the freaking loony bin. Cristi from Turtle Girl will know what I'm talking about.
J and D were playing video games in the back room when it started so we went out to join the block party forming in front of our patio. It wasn't really a party, but most of the neighbors came out to see what the hell. I actually feel safer here than I did in the really nice suburbs back in NY, because when crap happens many of the neighbors come out to do something, or at least be witnesses to the crap. It's a pretty tight knit community here. So that was our excitement for the night.
Last night, I found an egg in Myrtle and Emily's cage last night. We knew it was coming. D took my Kleenex box and fitted in the cage for a makeshift nesting box. Myrtle promptly kicked out all the wood shavings and tonight I found the egg broken in the food dish. That takes care of that for now, I guess.
While looking for bird supplies I found the bag that had the Christmas presents for the animals. D gave the cats their mice, catnip and Feline Greenies 3 oz. Package Salmon
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Bootsie is on the left. Tennessee aka bedroom cat aka catnip hog on the right.
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You can't see the mice because Tennessee has all six of them under her.
Butterscotch sat by my chair looking on longingly. I think Bright Eyes was still sleeping in the closet. I felt bad for Butterscotch so, I gave him a small pile, which Tennessee ran over grabbed up. So, I gave him another small pile. Finally, the girls tired out and Butterscotch got his chance with the goodies.
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More than anything, he loves to play with mice.
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(action shot)
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I got you now, little mousie.
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You will be my minion.
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The bunnies were given yogurt drops. Then Betty and Dammit came out and gave me a show of leap bunny.
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Then some bunny tag.
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All four eggs have hatched. I took this picture this morning. As you can see the oldest one is starting to get some downy feathers. He looks so big compared to the others. Funny too, with his bald head.
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I know, this is supposed to be a needlework blog. For now I'll show you the Guy Next Door Cowl. It's almost finished. I think I going to do one more pattern repeat then bind it off. It's a pain to knit on the way it's rolling up like a jelly roll on both top and bottom. I'm going to try to do Jeny's Stretchy Bind Off only for stockinette stitch.
I've been feeling better for the most part and been busy trying to clean most of the things. There is something about the New Year that always puts me in the mood to clean and organize. We'll see how far I get. Other stitchy things I've been working on, I'll reveal on WIP Wednesday.
Because, I am lazy, I still haven't sent an e-mail to Intense Debate Support. If you came to the main page and would like to comment, just click on the title of this post and the place to comment will show up under this post. I will respond to all comments, eventually.