Monday, November 17, 2008

Over The NaNo Hump

Yikes, I almost forgot to post. That would have been bad, since as of today I've made it farther than two years ago.

Today, was full of blog post fail.

I was going to take a picture while the sun was shining of the merino/tencel I'm spinning. How was I to know that when the sun popped out it was just saying a quick hi and I should have made a mad dash for the camera. Fail.

I was then going to bake you a cake, but then realized I'm out of eggs. Fail.

Not much progress on the knitting front today either. Fail.

I'll go for my old stand-by.

Dammit says, "You iz buzy, I serve myself."



yarnpiggy said...

A good sub for an egg in baking (assuming the recipe doesn't call for the eggs to be separated): 1/2 cup yogurt + 1/2 tsp. baking powder. Or, 1/2 a banana, mashed.

For next time. 'Cause we all love cake. :-)

Daniele said...

Dang! And I was really looking forward to a piece of that cake!! :)