Wednesday, September 28, 2011

WIP Wednesday

This looks more like baby boy sweater.  I'm knitting this at the three month size and flew threw the top half.  I'll knit the body during my bus ride.  Yarn is Pagewood Farms Yukon in Navajo colorway.

I've finally finished the body on the slow motion baby sweater.  This is just one size larger than the above sweater, not many more stitches but it has been growing in slow motion.  Just have to find my size 3 double points for the sleeves and it will be finished.  Then a little hat and some booties, hopefully they knit up faster, and I'll send it all off next Monday.

I'm using Henry's Attic petite cotton yarn that I had dyed awhile back.  All was going well until I got to the body and it pooled.  I know the baby won't care.  I'm afraid the father's family might look at it and think my daughter's mother is a bit of a freak.

Over the weekend, I was only able to get about halfway through the llama.  There's a ton of peddling to plying a two-ply laceweight.  Hopefully, I'm not to exhausted on my Sunday and Monday off to finish this.  I'll be walking about two miles a day to the bus stop then the bus stop to work that's a bunch of stepping too.

I'm writing this Tuesday morning, scheduled to post at midnight eastern time.  If I'm not to tired I'll post about how my first day at work was this morning (when you'll be reading this), so you can check back later today, if you're interested.

Thanks for stopping by to see what I'm up to this week.  I'm going to try to head over Tami's in the mornings to see what everyone else is up to.


Alittlebitsheepish said...

All your projects looks great, I quite like pooling. Hope your first day went well

Melissa said...

The sweaters look wonderful! Go kick butt today!

Rudee said...

I love all of your wips. I've said it before, but I wish I could pull my wheel right up next to yours and soak in some of your spinning talent.

pinkundine said...

The sweaters look cute :) I like the pooling personally. I have some baby llama yarn that I just swatched, and omg so soft!

Emily said...

I love that Navajo colorway! I'm going to have to track that down for myself!

Karen said...

Everything looks great!

Minding My Own Stitches said...

That's some crazy pooling on the body of the sweater! I think it's amazing!

Sam Findlay said...

The sweaters are really sweet! I like the pooling!

Unknown said...

Hope your first day went well. Your sweaters look great.