Friday, December 23, 2011

What Merry Christmas??

I sincerely hope everyone is having Merry Christmas.  Sincerely, I really do.

I was having one until today.  In so much, that I got the packages out to my kids in time for Christmas and that was about all the Christmas spirit Duane and I could drum.  We were ok with that.  We even made a joke of it.  Every time we thought about putting up our mini tree, Duane would think meh, and I would think bleh.  So we called ourselves the anti-Christmas elves Meh and Bleh.

I worked all last week, with Sunday off, then I was supposed to work another 5 days straight.  Thursday, I got up and could barely move.  I really need two days off to re cooperate with this fibro and back problem. So, I called in and went back to bed, which was all I could physically do.

When I got up, there was a nasty message on FB for me from my daughter's boyfriend's mother.  Accusing my daughter of not cooking or cleaning and she was having her son kick my daughter out on Christmas at midnight.  She also posted this crap all over her FB page.  Which I copied and kept a file of.

The boyfriend does not provide food or cleaning supplies.  I've had to send money for diapers for the baby on a few occasions. The furnace has been broken since October and he hasn't bothered to fix it.  It's his excuse to keep the baby with his mom.

I called my daughter to see what was going on.  She basically said, that the boyfriend was going along with Mom.  Mom also has the 9 week old baby at her trailer and won't let my daughter see her own baby.

Up all night, I have to call in to work again.  I start calling CPS in NY.  My 7yr old granddaughter has a open CPS case from where she was attacked back in October while living with her father.  Her father dropped her off at my daughter's last month and abandoned her. She can't get in contact with him to get the little girls things.

She's trying to get full-custody, but lives in trailer park with no transportation.  She tried to get food stamps for my 7yr granddaughter but DSS said since she's still on the Dad's case he needs to have her removed first. So he's food stamp fraud and they won't do anything. *rolls eyes*

In the meantime, I send a sheriff over there for a welfare check on them. Basically, they said the baby is good condition with the grandmother, mother is aware. They tell me it's illegal to send my daughter and oldest granddaughter to the curb.  That if they do that my daughter needs to go somewhere and call 911 and heads will roll.  She lives in a trailer park out in the middle of no where, with no transportation.

Well, I get my daughter to agree to move down here with me.  The manager at my complex tells me, just go get them and we'll set her up in one of the vacant apartments.  Furniture? We'll figure it out. Don't worry. I was going to take a bus to NY.  My mother said, she would pick me up and that we would go to the sheriff for an escort, get them out.  Then we head back to Tucson on the bus.

The CPS caseworker won't let me bring them down here, while there are open criminal charges regarding the 7 year old.  They need her to testify, I guess. I don't know why they can't do a teleconference at one of the courts here.

I spoke with a good friend this afternoon, who had met the grandmother of the baby and she said the woman gave her the creeps. That she was over possessive of the baby. My friend invited my daughter over for the afternoon on Saturday.  My daughter said, that the baby couldn't go, because the grandmother won't let the baby out of her sight.

My friend said, she would help provide my daughter a safe haven, but she has to grow a back bone.  Stand up to this woman and file kidnapping charges.

I'm going to be writing to the state legislatures over the weekend.  If I have to I'll write to the governor.

So, here I sit just before Christmas, worried about my daughter and grandchildren.  I have a freezer full of food and feel really bad my daughter has nothing.  She needs to get out of that situation.  She'll read this and maybe get angry with me.  Duane told me I should blog what is going on.


Teresa Kasner said...

Oh dear. I hate red tape. I wish someone would drive you up there and get all 3 of them and just bring them home. I wish I was closer. Keep at it, hon.. and save them. Hugs.. T

Chrissy said...

What a horrible situation to be in. It must be terrifying being so far away. I imagine that is one of the worst things about being in the US, all the complexities that the different States create. I'm glad you have a friend who is on hand to help if your daughter needs it.

I hope that this situation gets resolved as soon as possible, you don't need the added worry. If you don't feel like decorating for Chistmas I wouldn't bother. This is the first time since 2001 that I've done it.

Feel better soon xx

Rudee said...

I'm so sorry about all of this. I will keep you and my family in my prayers.